improver.cli package


Module contents

init for cli and clize

class DocutilizeClizeHelp(subject, owner, builder=<bound method HelpForAutodetectedDocstring.from_subject of <class 'improver.cli.HelpForNapoleonDocstring'>>)[source]

Bases: HelpCli

Subclass to build Napoleon docstring from subject.

class HelpForNapoleonDocstring(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HelpForAutodetectedDocstring

Subclass to add support for google style docstrings

add_docstring(docstring, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Adds the updated docstring.

class ObjectAsStr(obj, name=None)[source]

Bases: str

Hide object under a string to pass it through Clize parser.

static obj_to_name(obj, cls=None)[source]

Helper function to create the string.

class TimeIt(verbose=False)[source]

Bases: object

property elapsed

Return elapsed time in seconds.


Dynamically discover CLIs.

clizefy(obj=None, helper_class=<class 'improver.cli.DocutilizeClizeHelp'>, **kwargs)[source]

Decorator for creating CLI objects.


Converts comma separated string to list or returns passed object.


to_convert (string or list) – comma separated string or list




Converts comma separated string to list of floats or returns passed object.


to_convert (string or list) – comma separated string or list



command_executor(*argv, verbose=False, dry_run=False)[source]

Common entry point for straight command execution.


Makes function that the input constraints are used in a loop.

The function is a @value_converter, this means it is used by clize to convert strings into objects. This is a way of not using the IMPROVER load_cube which will try to merge cubes. Iris load on the other hand won’t deal with meta data properly. So an example is if you wanted to load an X cube and a Y cube from a cubelist of 2. You call this function with a list of constraints. These cubes get loaded and returned as a CubeList.


*constraints (tuple of str or callable or iris.Constraint) – Constraints to be used in extracting the required cubes. Each constraint must match exactly one cube and extracted cubes will be sorted to match their order. A constraint can be an iris.Constraint object or a callable or cube name that can be used to construct one.


A function with the constraints used for a list comprehension.

Return type:



Convert Numpy or Google style docstring into reStructuredText format.


obj (str or object) – Takes an object and changes it’s docstrings to a reStructuredText format.


A converted string or an object with replaced docstring depending on the type of the input.

Return type:

str or object

execute_command(dispatcher, prog_name, *args, verbose=False, dry_run=False)[source]

Common entry point for command execution.

improver_help(prog_name, command=None, *, usage=False)[source]

Show command help.


Loads cube from file or returns passed object.


to_convert (string or iris.cube.Cube) – File name or Cube object.


Loaded cube or passed object.


Loads cube from file or returns passed object. Where a load is performed, it will not have lazy data. :type to_convert: :param to_convert: File name or Cube object. :type to_convert: string or iris.cube.Cube


Loaded cube or passed object.


Loads a cubelist from file or returns passed object. :type to_convert: :param to_convert: File name or CubeList object. :type to_convert: string or iris.cube.CubeList


Loaded cubelist or passed object.


Converts string to datetime or returns passed object.


to_convert (string or datetime) – datetime represented as string of the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMZ


datetime object

Return type:



Loads json from file or returns passed object.


to_convert (string or dict) – File name or json dictionary.


Loaded json dictionary or passed object.


Converts string paths to pathlib Path objects


to_convert (string or pathlib.Path) – path represented as string


Path object

Return type:


main(prog_name, command, *args, profile=None, memprofile=None, verbose=False, dry_run=False)[source]

IMPROVER NWP post-processing toolbox

Results from commands can be passed into file-like arguments of other commands by surrounding them by square brackets:

improver command [ command ... ] ...

Spaces around brackets are mandatory.

  • prog_name (pass_name) – The program name from argv[0].

  • command (str) – Command to execute

  • args (tuple) – Command arguments

  • profile (str) – If given, will write profiling to the file given. To write to stdout, use a hyphen (-)

  • memprofile (str) – Creates 2 files by adding a suffix to the provided arguemnt - a tracemalloc snapshot at the point of highest memory consumption of your program (suffixed with _SNAPSHOT) and a track of the maximum memory used by your program over time (suffixed with _MAX_TRACKER).

  • verbose (bool) – Print executed commands

  • dry_run (bool) – Print commands to be executed

See improver help [–usage] [command] for more information on available command(s).

maybe_coerce_with(converter, obj, **kwargs)[source]

Apply converter if str, pass through otherwise.


Overrides argv[0] to be ‘improver’ then runs main.


argv (list of str) – Arguments that were from the command line.


Convert input list with bracketed items into nested lists.

>>> unbracket('foo [ bar a b ] [ baz c ] -o z'.split())
['foo', ['bar', 'a', 'b'], ['baz', 'c'], '-o', 'z']
with_output(wrapped, *args, output=None, pass_through_output=False, compression_level=1, least_significant_digit=None, **kwargs)[source]

Add output keyword only argument. Add compression_level option. Add least_significant_digit option.

This is used to add extra output, compression_level and least_significant_digit CLI options. If output is provided, it saves the result of calling wrapped to file and returns None, otherwise it returns the result. If compression_level is provided, it compresses the data with the provided compression level (or not, if compression_level 0). If least_significant_digit provided, it will quantize the data to a certain number of significant figures.

  • wrapped (obj) – The function to be wrapped.

  • output (str, optional) – Output file name. If not supplied, the output object will be printed instead.

  • pass_through_output (bool) – Pass through the output object even if saved to file. Used in pipelines of commands if intermediate output needs to be saved.

  • compression_level (int) – Will set the compression level (1 to 9), or disable compression (0).

  • least_significant_digit (int) – If specified will truncate the data to a precision given by 10**(-least_significant_digit), e.g. if least_significant_digit=2, then the data will be quantized to a precision of 0.01 (10**(-2)). See for details. When used with compression level, this will result in lossy compression.


Result of calling wrapped or None if output is given.