improver.cli.generate_topography_bands_mask module

Script to run topographic bands mask generation.

process(orography, land_sea_mask=None, *, bands_config=None)[source]

Runs topographic bands mask generation.

Reads orography and land_sea_mask fields of a cube. Creates a series of masks, where each mask excludes data below or equal to the lower threshold and excludes data above the upper threshold.

  • orography (iris.cube.Cube) – The orography on a standard grid.

  • land_sea_mask (iris.cube.Cube) – The land mask on standard grid, with land points set to one and sea points set to zero. If provided sea points will be set to zero in every band. If no land mask is provided, sea points will be included in the appropriate topographic band.

  • bands_config (dict) – Definition of orography bands required. The expected format of the dictionary is e.g {‘bounds’:[[0, 50], [50, 200]], ‘units’: ‘m’} The default dictionary has the following form: {‘bounds’: [[-500., 50.], [50., 100.], [100., 150.],[150., 200.], [200., 250.], [250., 300.], [300., 400.], [400., 500.], [500., 650.],[650., 800.], [800., 950.], [950., 6000.]], ‘units’: ‘m’}


list of orographic band mask cube.

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