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The latest release of IMPROVER can be installed using conda from the conda-forge channel using:

conda install -c conda-forge improver

If you would like to install the development version (or install in development mode) you can do this via setuptools by downloading the code from this repository, installing the required dependencies and then using either pip install (pip install -e) or python install (python develop). Note that pip install will not work in an empty environment due to problems with installation of the dependency iris via pip.

Example environments are included in the repository envs directory. These environment files are used to run the test suite on Github actions, so they should stay up to date with any dependency changes. See also documentation about use of dependencies in IMPROVER.

Alternatively, you can manually ‘install’ by downloading the code and putting the IMPROVER bin/ directory in your PATH.

If you have particular setup requirements such as environment modules, you can specify them in an etc/site-init script. This is a bash script that is sourced before IMPROVER sub-commands are run via the bin/improver top level command.

Example etc/site-init script:

set -eu
# Load a particular version of Python.
# You can do this however you want - modules, modifying PATH, etc.
module load pythonlatest
# Set a default location for IMPROVER_ACC_TEST_DIR to pick up input and output test files.
export IMPROVER_ACC_TEST_DIR=${IMPROVER_ACC_TEST_DIR:-$HOME/improver_acc_tests/}

Basic step-by-step usage example

The steps below will install dependencies on a typical Linux system such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian or Red Hat.

IMPROVER has been succesfully run on Apple macOS, however this is not the team’s main focus for development. Setup on macOS is very similar but you will need to download Conda for macOS rather than for Linux.

IMPROVER has not been tested on Windows. However, IMPROVER is likely to work as-is via Windows Subsystem for Linux - set up WSL, then once you have a Linux environment, follow these instructions.

# Install conda
# Follow the conda installer steps - accept the licence agreement,
# choose an installation path and do the initialisation
# Close and re-open your shell to pick up the conda initialisation
# Install IMPROVER from conda-forge (note you may want to do this in a conda environment)
conda install -c conda-forge improver
# Run IMPROVER via command line
improver threshold --help
improver threshold --threshold-values=273.15,280,290 /path/to/your/data/
# Install iris sample data files (used in the Python example below)
conda install -c conda-forge iris-sample-data
# Start the python interpreter interactively and use IMPROVER as a library

At the Python interpreter prompt:

# Load an Iris cube with sample data
import iris
cube = iris.load(iris.sample_data_path(""))[0]
# Load the IMPROVER library
import improver.cli as imprcli
# Call IMPROVER from within Python
output = imprcli.threshold.process(cube, threshold_values=[273.15, 280.0, 290.0])
# Print the output cube and save as NetCDF
print(output), "")

Input data

IMPROVER processes standardised data in NetCDF format.

The main Met Office weather models have data available on Amazon Web Services Open Data registry which is Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licenced (free to use for non-commercial purposes) and compatible with IMPROVER.

There are some examples of how to retrieve and use the data on the Met Office aws-earth-examples Github repository. The getting started Jupyter notebook in that repository also provides examples of the data structure.

Test suite

Tests can be run from the top-level directory using bin/improver-tests or directly using pytest.

The unit tests use data which is included in the test code and these tests are quick to run. Unit tests are run as part of the test suite on Github actions.

# Run unit tests via improver-tests wrapper
bin/improver-tests unit
# Use pytest directly with marker to run only the unit tests
pytest -m 'not acc'

The CLI (command line interface) acceptance tests use known good output (KGO) files on disk for validating that the behaviour is as expected. These data files are large, so the acceptance tests are not run on Github actions. Contact a Met Office IMPROVER contributor to arrange for a copy of the acceptance test input and output files.

The path to the acceptance test data is set using the IMPROVER_ACC_TEST_DIR environment variable. Acceptance tests will be skipped if this environment variable is not defined.

export IMPROVER_ACC_TEST_DIR=/path/to/acceptance/data
# Use pytest marker to run only the acceptance tests
pytest -m acc
# Acceptance tests can be run significantly faster in parallel using the pytest-xdist plugin
pytest -n 8