improver.cli.wet_bulb_temperature module

CLI to generate wet bulb temperatures from air temperature, relative humidity, and pressure data.

process(*cubes, convergence_condition=0.05, model_id_attr=None)[source]

Module to generate wet-bulb temperatures.

Call the calculate_wet_bulb_temperature function to calculate wet-bulb temperatures. This process function splits input cubes over vertical levels to mitigate memory issues when trying to operate on multi-level data.

  • cubes (iris.cube.CubeList or list or iris.cube.Cube) –

    temperature (iris.cube.Cube):

    Cube of air temperatures, where these may be on multiple height levels.

    relative_humidity (iris.cube.Cube):

    Cube of relative humidities, where these may be on multiple height levels.

    pressure (iris.cube.Cube):

    Cube of air pressure, where these may be on multiple height levels.

  • convergence_condition (float) – The precision in Kelvin to which the Newton iterator must converge before returning wet-bulb temperatures.

  • model_id_attr (str) – Name of the attribute used to identify the source model for blending.


Cube of wet-bulb temperature (K).

Return type:
