improver.cli.threshold module

Script to apply thresholding to a parameter dataset.

process(cube, land_sea_mask=None, *, threshold_values=None, threshold_config=None, threshold_units=None, comparison_operator='>', fuzzy_factor=None, collapse_coord=None, vicinity=None, fill_masked=None)[source]

Module to apply thresholding to a parameter dataset.

Calculate the threshold truth values of input data relative to the provided threshold value. A fuzzy factor or fuzzy bounds may be provided to smooth probabilities where values are close to the threshold.

  • cube (iris.cube.Cube) – A cube to be processed.

  • land_sea_mask (Cube) – Binary land-sea mask data. True for land-points, False for sea. Restricts in-vicinity processing to only include points of a like mask value.

  • threshold_values (list of float) – Threshold value or values (e.g. 270K, 300K) to use when calculating the probability of the input relative to the threshold value(s). These are provided as a comma separated list, e.g. 270,300 The units of these values, e.g. K in the example can be defined using the threshold_units argument or are otherwise assumed to match the units of the diagnostic being thresholded. threshold_values and and threshold_config are mutually exclusive arguments, defining both will lead to an exception.

  • threshold_config (dict) – Threshold configuration containing threshold values and (optionally) fuzzy bounds. Best used in combination with ‘threshold_units’. It should contain a dictionary of strings that can be interpreted as floats with the structure: “THRESHOLD_VALUE”: [LOWER_BOUND, UPPER_BOUND] e.g: {“280.0”: [278.0, 282.0], “290.0”: [288.0, 292.0]}, or with structure “THRESHOLD_VALUE”: “None” (no fuzzy bounds). Repeated thresholds with different bounds are ignored; only the last duplicate will be used. threshold_values and and threshold_config are mutually exclusive arguments, defining both will lead to an exception.

  • threshold_units (str) – Units of the threshold values. If not provided the units are assumed to be the same as those of the input cube. Specifying the units here will allow a suitable conversion to match the input units if possible.

  • comparison_operator (str) – Indicates the comparison_operator to use with the threshold. e.g. ‘ge’ or ‘>=’ to evaluate data >= threshold or ‘<’ to evaluate data < threshold. When using fuzzy thresholds, there is no difference between < and <= or > and >=. Options: > >= < <= gt ge lt le.

  • fuzzy_factor (float of None) – A decimal fraction defining the factor about the threshold value(s) which should be treated as fuzzy. Data which fail a test against the hard threshold value may return a fractional truth value if they fall within this fuzzy factor region. Fuzzy factor must be in the range 0-1, with higher values indicating a narrower fuzzy factor region / sharper threshold. A fuzzy factor cannot be used with a zero threshold or a threshold_config file.

  • collapse_coord (str) – An optional ability to set which coordinate we want to collapse over. The only supported options are “realization” or “percentile”. If “percentile” is requested, the percentile coordinate will be rebadged as a realization coordinate prior to collapse. The percentile coordinate needs to be evenly spaced around the 50th percentile to allow successful conversion from percentiles to realizations and subsequent collapsing over the realization coordinate.

  • vicinity (list of float / int) – List of distances in metres used to define the vicinities within which to search for an occurrence. Each vicinity provided will lead to a different gridded field.

  • fill_masked (float) – If provided all masked points in cube will be replaced with the provided value before thresholding.


Cube of probabilities relative to the given thresholds

Return type:
